sabato 30 aprile 2016

La Seconda Guerra Mondiale

Movenote Presentation: A 14 minute16 second Movenote presentation.


come d'accordo, eccovi la spiegazione "sintetica" della Seconda Guerra Mondiale. 

Un abbraccio e buona visione,


domenica 17 gennaio 2016

       Salve ragazzi e ragazze vi mando i topic che avete studiato in classe. Ognuno di voi deve leggere, e fare la comprensione del topic che ha studiato. Dopo deve rispondere alle domande sotto il topic studiato e inviarmi le risposte, scrivendo sopra la domanda e sotto la risposta.
       Dopo farà la descrizione del proprio paese.
       Dovete inviarmi il lavoro entro le ore 20.00 di questa sera.

   Read the text about Canada and answer the questions below.
Canada is the second largest country in the world and a nation of great ethnic and cultural diversity.
Initially populated by tribes and then colonized by the French and British, Canada is today a cultural mosaic made up of people coming from all around the world.
It has got natural beauty, geographic diversity and wildlife. Canada extends its territories through an extraordinary natural beauty from the Rocky Mountains to vast boreal forests, endless prairies, desert and rainforest regions. It  borders with the Atlantic, Pacific and Arctic Oceans. It is the only country in the world to be next to three oceans at once. It has six time zones.
There are vibrant, cosmopolitan cities where most of the population lives. Canada is a constitutional monarchy, but also a parliamentary democracy and a federation. The monarch is the British monarch. The country is divided into 10 provinces and 3 territories.  The main Canadian cities are: St. John's, Halifax, Quebec, Montreal, Ottawa, Toronto, Winnipeg, Regina, Saskatoon, Calgary, Edmonton, Vancouver and Victoria. Most large cities are in the southern part of the country, including Toronto, Vancouver, and Montreal. There are very few people living in the northern part of Canada.
In Canada there is a vast area of ancient pre-cambrian rocks lying around Hudson Bay, this is a unique land of lakes, trees, and rocks. It is also very dangerous and difficult to traverse cross country.  

1.       How large is Canada?
2.       Who were the first inhabitants of Canada?
3.      What is the landscape like?
4.      Which countries does it border with?
5.      What is its government?
6.      How many provinces are there?
7.      What are its important cities?
8.      What is the least populated area?

b.      Now describe your village telling: the location, the number of inhabitants, the tourist attractions, the things you can do all the year long.

a.      Read the text about South Africa and answer the questions below.
South Africa occupies the southern tip of Africa, and it has a long coastline stretching from the desert border with Namibia to the Indian Ocean.
South Africa is a medium-sized country. The country has nine provinces, which vary considerably in size. The smallest is the tiny and crowded Gauteng. South Africa was settled by the Dutch in 1652 as a stopping point for ships on their way to the East Indies. They founded Cape Town.  
In 1815, South Africa changed hands and became a British colony.  In 1960 South Africa gained independence from British rule and became a republic. This period was very difficult for many people because of Apartheid which separated the different peoples who lived there. During the 90s, with the help of Nelson Mandela, who became the first black president of the rainbow nation and the abolition of the Apartheid laws, South Africa got a better way of life.
South Africa enjoys a temperate and pleasant climate, with warm sunny days most of the year. South Africans have been referred to as the 'rainbow nation', a title which means the country's cultural diversity. The population of South Africa is one of the most complex and diverse in the world. Most of the South Africans are Black. But there are also White, Coloured and Indian.
There are 11 officially recognized languages, most of which are indigenous to South Africa. English is spoken everywhere in the country. English is the language of the cities, of commerce and banking, of government and official documents. Other languages you can expect to hear are Xhosa, Zulu and Afrikaans.
1.       Where is South Africa?
2.       Who were the first inhabitants of South Africa?
3.      What is the climate like?
4.      When did the country become independent?
5.      Who was the first black president?
6.      How many languages are spoken?
7.      What is its population made of?
8.      When is the English language used?

b.      Now describe your village telling: the location, the number of inhabitants, the tourist attractions, the things you can do all the year long.

a.      Read the text about Australia and answer the questions below.
Australia is a large country and is the biggest part of the Australasia continent. It is one of the largest countries on Earth. Cities are located in the southwest and southeast, where the climate is more comfortable. There are a lot of rain forests in the northeast. The famous outback is a desert.
Australia is a nation of diversity. The people who live in Australia come from other countries: the United Kingdom and other European countries, but also from China, Vietnam, North Africa, and the Middle East.
The climate is  warm, sunny and the population love outdoor activities. The people are also passionate about sports. In Australia there are many rare animals such as the platypus, kangaroo, echidna, and koala. Australia has also 516 national parks. It is part of the Commonwealth so Australia's head is the British monarch Elizabeth II. Australia is an important exporter of agricultural goods like beef, fruit and wine. The country is also rich in minerals and gold discovered in1851.
Aboriginal people arrived in Australia about 50,000 years ago. The Aborigines learned to live in the terrible conditions of the outback. The outback has a very little population. The British began to settle in Australia in 1788. Many people coming from England were criminals sent to live in Australia because English prisons were full. When gold was found a lot of new immigrants, came and founded the colonies which joined to form the commonwealth of Australia.

1.       How large is Australia?
2.       Who were the first inhabitants of Australia?
3.      What is the landscape like?
4.      Where do the people come from?
5.      What is its government?
6.      How many parks are there?
7.      Who is the head of the nation?
8.      What is the least populated area?

b.      Now describe your village telling: the location, the number of inhabitants, the tourist attractions, the things you can do all the year long.

domenica 27 dicembre 2015


Buon pomeriggio!
Spero che abbiate trascorso un sereno Natale.
Approfitto di questi giorni di "pausa" dalle pazzie dei giorni di festa per ricordare il nostro impegno scolastico: la lettura di un libro.

Quindi, eccovi i titoli che vi ho illustrato, ciascuno collegato al link per scaricare il libro.
Tutto il cielo possibile
Tutte le novelle, Giovanni Verga
Jack Frusciante è uscito dal gruppo, Enrico Brizzi
Il gabbiano Jonathan Livingstone, Richard Bach
Novecento, Alessandro Baricco
Bianca come il latte, rossa come il sangue, Alessandro D'Avenia
Racconti, Oscar Wilde
Lettera a un bambino mai nato, Oriana Fallaci
Orgoglio e pregiudizio, Jane Austen

Vi ricordo ancora che qualunque libro andrà bene, purchè la lettura sia attenta.
 Ci aggiorniamo presto. Un caro abbraccio,


venerdì 30 ottobre 2015

Le cause della Grande Guerra

Ecco a voi una mappa sulle cause della Prima Guerra Mondiale. Ci sarà utile per la spiegazione del nuovo capitolo.

Un abbraccio,


giovedì 29 ottobre 2015

Novelle di Verga

Novelle di Giovanni Verga

Ecco a voi il link per scaricare il testo completo della raccolta di novelle di Giovanni Verga. Ricordate di leggere "Il canarino del n.15" per martedì 3 novembre. E poi... beh, leggete tutte quelle che volete. Più ne leggerete, più spunti avrete per comporne.

Un saluto,


martedì 27 ottobre 2015

Amicizia vuol dire andare oltre il tempo e lo spazio. Che ne pensate?

<<"Sentirò la tua mancanza, Jonathan."
"Che dici mai? Sully, vergogna! Via, non dire sciocchezze! Cosa studiamo a fare, tutto il giorno? Se la nostra amicizia dipendesse da cose come lo spazio e il tempo, allora, una volta superato lo spazio e il tempo, noi avremmo anche distrutto questo nostro sodalizio! Non ti pare? Ma se superi il tempo e lo spazio, non vi sarà nient'altro che l'Adesso e il Qui, il Qui e l'Adesso. E non ti sa che, in questo Hic et Nunc, noi avremo occasione di vederci, eh, ogni tanto?">> 

Richard Bach, "Il gabbiano Jonathan Livingston"